Our President and Founder, Mike Falkenstine has a deep heart for the local church and for the Bible, the infallible and authoritative Word of God. In this new book resource, Falkenstine wants to help church leaders and congregation members ensure that their church is a biblical church based on the Bible’s inspiration. Biblical churches are important because they are more likely to help their congregation grow spiritually, and therefore, will have a church packed with fully devoted disciples of Jesus that are reaching the world for Christ. In this book resource, Falkenstine takes you through 6 characteristics of a biblical church, why they are important, what to look for to determine if your church meets a biblical standard in each category and what to do if they are not. Each chapter has guidelines on how to talk to church leaders about meeting the biblical standards (if they are not) and discerning how to encourage the church to be a biblical church in each category. Buy copies for each congregation member today!