Introducing our new Bible Reading Plan
We are very happy to announce the release of a new training tool, fulfilling our mission statement to create resources and deliver training that is a catalyst enabling every Christian to find Great Commission fulfillment. As we create resources that enable Christians to find Great Commission fulfillment, we believe that daily Bible reading should be one of those tools. There are two main problems we consistently find with Bible reading plans. They either seem too overwhelming (you mean I will be reading through the whole Bible in a year?!?) or they don’t create any margin for missing a day or two from time to time. To address both of these problems, we would like to offer our new 5 Day a Week Bible Reading plan, which gets you into a nice groove of Bible Reading by taking you through the Old Testament, Psalms and Proverbs and the New Testament in chronological order. Also, by only having 5 Bible reading a week, if you miss a day or two a week, no problem…. You won’t be behind and feel like you have to catch up! You can download the plan here and keep it in your Bible. For those that finish our Bible reading plan, take a picture of the completed weekly progress counter, and we’ll send you the OEC T-Shirt of your choice.
You may be wondering why we’ve created this resource and why we feel it’s so important to be in God’s word daily for the Christian to become a fully devoted follower. Here’s just three of many reasons we think it’s important to be daily in God’s word:
1. It will help you know God better
Being a follower of Jesus is about being friends with Jesus. It constitutes a real relationship just like the one you have with your best friend or spouse. In all relationships, we talk and we listen to each other. And this is what reading the Bible and praying is all about.
When we read the Bible, we are listening to what God has to say to us (except it is written down like in a letter). In the Bible, God has made sure he has told us everything we need to know in order to be the best of friends with him. So when you pray and read, you are really having a good old conversation with God and that is definitely something worth doing every day!
2. It will help you know what God is asking you to do
When we read the Bible daily, we can begin to stop doing the things God doesn’t want us to do and start becoming more like Jesus everyday, which should be the goal of every Christian. The Bible is chock full of instruction for our lives, and what types of things we should and should not be doing. You only learn these things by knowing God’s word and reading it daily. As we read in John 14:15, Jesus tells us that ‘If you love me, you will obey my commands.’ It is only in reading the Bible, you’ll know those commands and what to do to obey them!
3. It will change your life
One of our favorite passages of Scripture is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ‘All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.’ It’s a fact that if we want to live in line with who God wants us to be, we need to have a regular time in His word. As Paul wrote to Timothy, through God’s word we will be taught, rebuked, corrected and trained in righteousness. For what purpose? So that we will be equipped to go out and do good work for Jesus. And as we do that, God can use us to change other’s lives too.
We hope and pray that this will be a great resource for you as you desire to read God’s word daily!